Music for Controversial Times
WATCH NOW. Featured music video: "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (Sorry, Mr. Rogers . . . )

Lonewulff . . .
is the performing name of Jeff McMoyler. I began playing guitar at age 13, inspired by the Beatles and some folk artists of the mid-60s.
As a Bay Area singer-songwriter, I have focused increasingly on current political and social trends, hence my motto: “Music for Controversial Times.” It is time, people tell me, to take this music out to a public in need of fresh, wry perspectives. And there's always a place for songs and music that just plain ROCKS !
Much of the material I write and cover is humorous-- but, as in life-- not everyone gets the joke. When the subject is politically sensitive or rooted in faith or morality, some of us lose all vestiges of a sense of humor. Though many of the themes are quite heartfelt and serious, it is best to understand that this music is in large part derived with my tongue parked firmly in my cheek.